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Program partnerski


O reklamodawcy

MonkeyMum® is an e-shop for eco-friendly and loving motherhood. We are bed rail guard professionals. Only here you can choose the best quality exclusive bed rail guard for a safe and peaceful sleep. But also other goods, from wooden and fabric toys, over zero waste bamboo products, to baby carriers, scarves and fashion.

Monkey Mum®

Making mum´s lives easier


We offer our partners

  • 8% commision for standard order
  • 4% commision for order with coupon code
  • SEM is not allowed


Warunki programu

Prowizje: 4-8 % SEM na markę:
Trwałość Cookies: 30 dni SEM na markę:
XML Feed: Portale kuponowe:
S2S tracking: Portale cashback:
Własne kreacje: Przekierowanie domeny:


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