Performance overview for July and August of this year |
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Performance overview for July and August of this year

EN Blog _ Přehled výkonnosti affiliate sítě za červenec a srpen 2023

In July, a turnover in the affiliate marketing network CJ | VIVnetworks exceeded 33 million EUR. 💥

The number of orders reached 408,000, and thanks to this, we paid almost EUR 1,39 million in commissions to publishers. 💰
And again, these are great numbers that mean growth. 📈
Join modern performance marketing and use the largest and most powerful affiliate network in Central and Eastern Europe. 🤝

We inform you that in August the turnover of the involved e-shops was over 31 million in the affiliate network CJ | VIVnetworks. 🚀

Thanks to this, we paid over EUR 1,31 million to publishers. 💸 We thank the advertisers, publishers and the VIV team for the great and ever-growing cooperation. 🤗

Thinking about supporting performance marketing? Affiliate is the best option. 📈

CJ | VIVnetworks is the most powerful and largest affiliate network in Central and Eastern Europe. 👌

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