rezultatele nu vor întârzia să apară
Suntem cea mai mare și mai puternică rețea de afiliere din Europa Centrală și de Est. Gestionăm în mod activ peste 1.525 de campanii și contribuim la dezvoltarea graduală și pe termen lung a advertiserilor noștri.
46,5 %
Numărul mediu de clienți noi aduși către magazinul electronic prin intermediul rețelei de afiliere
6 M+
Comenzi realizate
388 mil EUR
Valoarea totală a comenzilor
Ce se spune despre noi?
With the help of VIVnetworks and our account strategist Cristina Sevciuc who has a very good energy and it is incredible kind and very professional in her work, we managed to obtain very good results where we can see increases from month to month of 13% in sales and 7% in traffic . We are pleased that we have a strong partnership with VIVnetworks and they have been contributing to the growth of our company. We appreciate the professionalism and promptness in solving the challenges. Communication on their part is always maximally professional and efficient. We are working together to find solutions to take our affiliate program to the next level.
Mihai Lungu Performance Marketing,AnswearWhen we (Sensilab company) decided that we want to test affiliate marketing, CJ platform was the first choice. And thank god we heard a few really good reviews about VIV networks from other companies who already were working with them because I’m 100% sure that working with VIV networks has a great impact on our affiliate revenue since the beginning. VIV network’s success team is literally that – a team that works with you for your success. CJ platform exceeds our expectations. Key benefits in my opinion are a large number of publishers and great diversity of publishers, solid presence on multiple markets that makes it easy to manage larger regions with one single affiliate network, very good self-service platform and great reporting insights that are available and easily accessible.
Tjasa LangerholcMarketing Channel Development SpecialistSensilabCooperation with VIVNetworks is beyond our expectations, the partner management system is perfect, all information and changes can be made with a few clicks in the administration. Revenues have been rising every month since the beginning, and the main thing is the active cooperation of Affiliate managers, which makes our work easier and also makes sure that everything works as it should.
Ondřej WicherekProduct Manager at EXPANDOMetalshopIts our pleasure to share our very positive colaboration with VIV Networks. Onboarding has been great, with clear instructions and guidelines. Responsivness with key accounts and companies is on very high level. We started couple of months ago and we reached very high and fast growth within weeks. I would like just to praise ViV Networks and whole team, specially Nikola that has been great support and key part of it! We are looking forward with such great team to learn and scale busines ! 😊
Haris Begic EMBACOONaturestfinest / BabesvitaminesWe are very satisfied with the CJ network. Cooperation with you is a great benefit for us, the overall communication is in perfect order and the regular monthly outputs on the operation of the program are very clear.
Nikola HoangováOnline marketing specialistAsko-nábytekWe have been cooperating with Vivnet for several years, and thanks to them, our e-shop with grills is where it is used to be. Turnover growth through your network is annual and steady. I appreciate your stable and robust technical solution. But the best is the technical support, because many other affiliate programs can just dream about that. I fully recommend!.
Martin Hrkal marketingový specialistaGrilykrby.czThanks to the cooperation with VIVnetworks, we can reach potential customers at any stage of the buying cycle according to our needs. Therefore, we perceive VIVnetworks as a proven partner for our online marketing activities of e-shops in several CEE markets and we value this cooperation.
Mgr. Jiří Trávníček Online Marketing ManagerTescomaWe praise our cooperation mainly thanks to our professional and personal approach, which greatly simplifies communication. It is always fast and efficient.
Marie Šírková Elka LoungeVivnetworks helped us very efficiently and professionally with to launch the affiliate marketing in our e-shop. Thanks to the activity of all the people from Vivnetworks (namely Mr. Strohmeier), dozens of partners started to get involved and promote our e-shop mostly immediately. We really appreciate the professional approach, friendly communication and a constant supply of ideas on how to further improve affiliate performance.
Lukáš DoležalOnline marketing specialistaGradaCooperation with VIVnetworks is beneficial for us across several countries in which Sportisimo operates. We especially value communication and efforts to always find the best solution for the most efficient functioning of our campaigns.
Matej MúčkaPerformance Marketing Team LeaderSportisimoWe see affiliate marketing as an effective extension of our communication channels. By cooperating with VIVnetworks, we have at our disposal not only the largest network of interesting partners, but also reliable support.
Stanislav BečkaE-Commerce Marketing Manager Dr.MaxAffiliate programs from VIV-Networks have proved their worth for the acquisition of new customers for our bushman.cz and bushman.sk e-shops and we can always rely on maximum support from them in solving all operational things.
Jitka Hájková e-commerceBUSHMANWe have been cooperating with VIV networks for several years, during which we have solved several problems and strategic affiliate decisions. Our account within VIV, Zbyšek Strohmeier, always patiently and clearly explained the options and solutions and was willing to solve the problem asap. The overall approach on the part of VIV – not only Zbyšek, but also his colleagues, is proactive, professional and always pro-client, which we greatly appreciate.
Monika Sedliaková MuzikerLet the numbers tell whether we are satisfied with the affiliate VIVnetwork or not. Our task was: to grow and keep the goals! Affiliate marketing revenue increased by 152 % compared to the last year! The number of new users also grew by almost 300%. And our company’s goals for this channel have been met. This happened because cooperation keeps moving and never stop. I don’t think any more words are needed. Great job!
Ing. Adela Bednáriková FatcoolOur collaboration with ViVNetworks is a very special one, considering the skills and care that our Affiliate Manager Cristina Sevciuc has regarding all the aspects of this business and the collaboration with our company, Studio Moderna. With her great help, our sales through affiliates increased with 70% from last year. In ViVNetworks we appreciate the valuable selection of each affiliate and the personalized approach.
Adriana Flaugnatti managing director, Studio ModernaWe do highly appreciate the cooperation with our affiliate manager Ms. Sladka. Regularly sending collaboration opportunities is a sign that Vivnetworks has something to offer.
Ing. Jakub Najdek obchod & marketing, BewoodenADVERTISERII CU CARE COLABORAM
Construiește un program de afiliere, care funcționează
Cel mai mare portofoliu de parteneri
Ai posibilitatea să colaborezi cu creatori de site-uri de conținut și recenzii, bloguri, cataloage de produse, forumuri de discuții, precum și cu influenceri sau chiar agenții de presă. Căutăm în mod activ noi parteneri și îi educăm în domeniul afilierii și al marketingului online.
Contentiamo este la dispoziția ta
Urmărim tendințele actuale și știm că marketingul de influență este ceva ce poate duce brandul, bunurile și serviciile dvs. la un alt nivel. Gestionăm o divizie de influenceri care promovează exclusiv advertiserii noștri.
Tehnologie de afiliere transparentă
Tehnologia CJ.com este controlată de cea mai importantă bursă de valori din lume. Bursa de valori din New York, vă protejează de site-uri web nedorite și practici frauduloase. Folosim date transparente, astfel încât puteți vedea în timp real ce parteneri vă promovează eshop-ul și ce site-uri web folosesc pentru promovarea produselor sau serviciilor.
Nu există granițe
Aveți planuri pentru a vă extinde afacerea sau activati deja in mai multe piețe europene? Vă vom oferi un management activ al campaniilor dvs. de afiliere la nivel mondial, datorită managerilor locali de afiliere din Europa Centrală și de Est.
Tu alegi valoarea ROAS
În marketingul afiliat, recompensezi partenerii doar pentru comanda finalizată și depinde de tine ce valoare de recompensă stabilești pentru partenerii tăi.
Flexibilitate în stabilirea comisioanelor și a obiectivelor
Tehnologia noastră vă permite să alegeți comisioane diferite pentru anumite categorii de produse în funcție de marja de profit, să faceți distincția între clienții noi și cei existenți și tipurile de parteneri și să stabiliți până la 120 de obiective pentru care vă veți recompensa partenerii.
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Marketingul afiliat este un instrument excelent pentru a crește notorietatea mărcii tale și pentru a genera mai multe vânzări. Cu […]
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